domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010

Dr. Valenzuela´s class.

Well, this class is based in the paper of name "Postovulatory effects of levonorgestrel in emergency contraception". The main problem that expose this paper is about the topic of "the pill of the day after". Very controversial topic, which treats on if the pill is abortive or it is not. But this depends on the moment in which he is considered to be a human being to the fetus, for some persons he is considered to be a human being from the moment of the implantation, but for others, he can be from the same moment of the conception. For this motive, it does not come near still to the agreement on the abortive potential of the pill of the day later.
In this paper the Dr. Valenzuela exposes the use of levonorgestrel, before the coitus, having effects to level of the ovulation, being a cash as contraceptive method, for this application, the pill has a categorical result 100 % of efficiency as ovulatory efects.
But not only the pill is used as contraceptive method, but it(he,she) is used after the coitus, affecting the movement of the ovocito from the Fallopian tubes up to the uterus where the implantation(introduction) is realized, for this motive exists the discussion on if the pill is abortive or not. The efficiency of the pill to diminishing as it extends the time of consumption after the coitus (0 to 24 h = 56,1 %; 25-48 h = 38.2 %; 1 to 5 days = 22 %)

I Think that is a very interesting topic in the public health, and it is responsability of all society.


sábado, 11 de septiembre de 2010


well, today I am going to speak on a film, his name is SICKO!, this film was created by
Michael Moore and was opened at 2007.
In this documentary Moore exposes the dysfunctional North American health care system oriented to huge profits and not for their mission of saving lives, compared with other health care system ( Canadá, U.K, Francia, Cuba).
In this movie Michael exposes about the evolution of North American health care system, and how It was created. Moore explains the corruption in the North American political system in relation with the aceptation of this health care system.
The North American system is very bad, because is a private system, and the people have to espend a lot of money in health. In the film Moore exposes the situations of patients, one of them, he exposes her case an individual without coverage that had lost a few fingers in accident appears with a medical budget, which gives her the option of 12.000 dollars for reconstruct the ring finger or 60.000 for the index.
Moore visit other countries to know the situations of other Health care system. I saw the Canadian and French system. In this countries the system is fantastic because the health is free and of quality. In my opinion other important aspect is for example that the health is equal for all.

I think that this film is very interesting, because exposes the real situation of the health in the world, and show examples of good health care systems.

Finally, this film exposes the Chilean Situation, with the differences that exist in the health ambit in relation with social class.

Good Movie...