miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010


Hi, Today I going to talk about stress.
The Stress is simply a factor of nature forces from the outside world affecting the individual.
In general, stress is related to both external and internal factors of the nature.
The external factors are the situations of the person with the people, and the internal factors are the reactions of the body to the first factors.

A best definition to this situation is:
" An experience internal that produces a inbalance in a person and is a result of factors environment internal or factors external " .

Symptoms of this disease: 2 types
- Subjetive: Between others symptoms that you can feel are aggressiveness, depression and anxiety.
- Objective: diseases related to the corporal system.
This disease is present generally in the persons with a pace of life intense and the information get about this disease is very little and the true problem of this situation.

The stress demonstrates generally in 3 stages:
-The first it expresses with muscular tension.
-The second stage is of resistance with the anxiety and fatigue.
And finally, the third stage is the depletion with symptoms that is in all body.

Diferent types of this disease:
- Stress emotional
-Stress of survival : for disease organic.
- Stress for work: diferent situations of the person in the job.
- Stress chemist: for the eat.
- Stress for factors of the environment.
- Stress for the cigar.
- Stress for factors of the hormones ( example: puberty).
- Stress for foreing worry.
-Stress allergic.

Solutions for the Stress:
To face the problem of the best form possible and have some friends to talk of the diferent problems. Also to search activities to relax.

jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

Alien planets: otherwordly joys.

Hello, today I am going to write about a new planet, Its name is "Gliese 581 g" and It is an interesting discovery for the astronomy.
Gliese is a rocky planet, Its locations is the constellation Libra, It is a faraway planet, for example We delay 200.000year to arrive.
Gliese is very interesting, because Its have qualities as the Earth, as for example the size, for this reazon is a beautiful discovery.
Astronomy and the scientific world have always been looking for life in another planet, for this Gliese is very important, beause Its open the opportunity to find Alien life.
The NASA, at the past, sent a lot of expeditios to explorer another planet, as for example the robotical missions to Marte, Júpiter, Saturno. The missions for another planet have the intention to find water, because the water is a elementary substance for the life.
Gliese a faraway planet, for this is necessary a good technology to travel across the space, in this case the speed is very important because Gliese is located to 20 light year of the Earth.
Today, Astronomy have the focus in explorer the atmosphere that contain oxygen and methane and the water.
I Think that is very important in this moment the discovery of Gliese becuase open the imagination to find life in another planet, or in another galaxies.
