viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2009

session 3: My opinion about the transantiago.

Well, in first place, I think that the new transport system, is complicated. The old system is not a very good transport, but the persons in the santiago city, were customary to take the buses of the this system, called " micros amarillas". The attention of the drivers of this buses was very bad, and with more reason to the students. In this days the attention is good, but the time in the travles is very mutch in comparation with the old system. The new buses have seat for handicapped people and the capacity for the number of person on board to increase too.
In another ambit, as the security in the " micros amarillas" was very frecuently the rob, for example to the students, in the transantiago system, the drivers of this buses not have money, for this reason the rob to this drivers to reduce.
But in my opinion the problem more important in the transantiago, is the time of wait for take a bus, in this ambit the transantiago is a very bad system of transport because the time in one travel to increase, in my case to increase in thirty minuts.
I think that the change most important is the frecuency in the buses, adding a lot of new buses for increase the frecuency.

3 comentarios:

  1. hey! i agree with you in most of your ponits, the time travel is way too long, but only paying for one ticket and the fact that its capacity of people transported has increased is great.

  2. I'm agree with you about the attention of the drivers with us, the students, because with the old system we can take a bus because the drivers didn't want to take us because at the end the the month they will receive less money.

  3. funny picture julio ahahah

    i think that sometime trasantiago will be better if change the frecuency of buses

    take care
