viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009

session 9: Hobbies.

Hi!, well today I will talk about my hobbies.
In my free times I practise different hobbies, as for example: sports, watch films, play video games, talk with friends or family, and visit my friends.
In my opinion in the free times is very important practise hobbies, because I think that is necessary develop other ambits, for example the personal areal, to increase the knowledge. Other reason for practise the hobbies, is that the hobbies that the people practise are of your pleasure, for this reason the people enjoy develop the hobbies.
In my case, in my free time I like practise different sport, as for example the football soccer, basketball, bycicling, run in the street, table - tennis, tennis.
I love the sport, but the best sports, in my opinion, are the football and the basketball. I practise football the fridays, and I play this sport with my friends, for this is very cool play with my team.
The basketball is very cool, is very fun and is very interesting because is a very hard play basktball, because is necesary the talent, a good physique condition, and is necesary the inteligence for play this sport.
I played basketball in my schol, and this sport help me with my studies, because is a good option to increase the mental speed. In another aspect the basketball help to forget the problems for example, because is necesary a full concentration in the game.
To leave with my friends ( man and woman) is a cool hobbie for my, because my friends are a good persons, and they have similar ideas that me for example, for this reason is very funny to leave with my friends. Other important reason is talk with my friends because we talik about problems and actual topic, as for example about the religion, the culture, the sport , politic.
For finish in my opinion the hobbies are very important, because is necesary in the free time, have a good time!

viernes, 23 de octubre de 2009

Session 8: Holiday destinations.

In the summer before, I traveled to the Quisco`s beach, this is an excellent plase, for the people, for the landscape, for the homes, for the excellent beaches.
I traveled to the Quisco in the familiar car, and the travel was in february. I visited the Quisco with my family, and with my friends.
I lived incredible moments with my friends, for example the days when we run in the morning, or the party moments. In general the summer before was a good travel and I enjoyed excellent moments in this beach.
In the present summer, I wold travel to beach in he south, as for example Curanipe.
I think in this excellent place, I visited Curanipe two years before, is a beautiful place, is incredible option for travel with my family or with my friends.
Curanipe is a small village, with interesting people and very nice. In Curanipe exist a wood, this wood is a excellent place to camp, because is a peaciful place, and have bathroom and is very safe.
To this beach, in the summer arrived a lot of sports by practise snowboard, and arrived a lot of people, for this Curanipe is a excellent place to know new friends or the love.
In the future, I wold visit a lot of countries, in the other continent, as for example visit Egypt, Israel, Japan, China, France, Australia betwen another.
IN Egypt, I wold visit and know the pyramids, and know about the culture and about the history of this monuments, but the country more interestig is Israel.
Israel is a excellent country, for your history, and religion. In this country I Wold visit the Temple of Jerusalem, know about the contruction, abut the history of this Temple. I wold visit Israel, for the religion, because this religion is very interesting, for the devotion, for the people, culture, for the "God" of the jewish, your name is YHWH. The jewish religion is fantastic, the Knowledge of the Bible is interestig, and the devotions for YHWH is excellent.
In the future I wold visit Israel, I think that is a incredible country for the people, the history, the culture and the more intersting the religion. ;D

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009

session 7:summary of a career-related article from The Guardian
Well, the main idea is the treatment for the shoulder pain, is important the cause of this pain, for to put in practise the best treatment for the rehabilitation.
In general the shoulder pain, is present a six week, but is advisable, visit to the doctor.
In accident cases, is advisable visit to the doctor in a short time, for determinate de lession.
In the home, the persons can use the medicament as the paracetamol or ibuprofen, this medicament, to act as anti-inflammatory, and the medicament to reduce the pain.
Another form for reduce the pain, is apply ice.

The most important in the rehabilitation, are the execises, because for this exercises, the person can recover the moviment in this articulation.
The medicamen is not very effective for the rehabilitation, for this reason is necessary apply the axercises of the physical therapies.
The exercises are muscular moviment, passive moviment and apply masagges for the recovery the normal moviment.
Exist a new machines and treatment necessaries for the rehablitation in this articulation, and in another articualtions. This treatmen are for example of the electrical transmission (TENS), that make a elctrical estimulation, and the other is the lasser therapy.

The Physical Therapist have as mission the rehabilitation of the lessions in the articulation with the exercises with muscular action, or passive exercises.