viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009

session 9: Hobbies.

Hi!, well today I will talk about my hobbies.
In my free times I practise different hobbies, as for example: sports, watch films, play video games, talk with friends or family, and visit my friends.
In my opinion in the free times is very important practise hobbies, because I think that is necessary develop other ambits, for example the personal areal, to increase the knowledge. Other reason for practise the hobbies, is that the hobbies that the people practise are of your pleasure, for this reason the people enjoy develop the hobbies.
In my case, in my free time I like practise different sport, as for example the football soccer, basketball, bycicling, run in the street, table - tennis, tennis.
I love the sport, but the best sports, in my opinion, are the football and the basketball. I practise football the fridays, and I play this sport with my friends, for this is very cool play with my team.
The basketball is very cool, is very fun and is very interesting because is a very hard play basktball, because is necesary the talent, a good physique condition, and is necesary the inteligence for play this sport.
I played basketball in my schol, and this sport help me with my studies, because is a good option to increase the mental speed. In another aspect the basketball help to forget the problems for example, because is necesary a full concentration in the game.
To leave with my friends ( man and woman) is a cool hobbie for my, because my friends are a good persons, and they have similar ideas that me for example, for this reason is very funny to leave with my friends. Other important reason is talk with my friends because we talik about problems and actual topic, as for example about the religion, the culture, the sport , politic.
For finish in my opinion the hobbies are very important, because is necesary in the free time, have a good time!

1 comentario:

  1. Sometimes i do sports, it's a very healthy activity. I like basketball and football, i played when i'm a child and i remember that i liked too much.

    Be safe
