viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009

session 10: Improving your faculty.

Today I`ll write about the present situation of the Medicine Faculty.
Well, the medicine Faculty of the "Universidad de Chile" it`s located in
Av. Independencia, and is a prestigious faculty. This faculty was founded in the year 1833. Today in the Medicine faculty exist a lot of career: Medicine, physical therapy, obstetrics, nutrition and dietetics, for example.
I study Physical therapy in this faculty, and in my opinion is a great faculty, for a lot of reasons.
The academics that exist in the medicine faculty have a high inetelectual level, and in the investigation area this faculty is of first level in the country. In short, in the academic area, the medicine faculty is the first in Chile.
In the valious area, the medicine faculty in great too, because the faculty in the different career, It teach about important valious, as for example the responsability, the comradeship, and the respect with the patient.
But in the medicine faculty exist problem and too, as for example the computer in the faculty , it is very slowly.In my opinion the tecnology in the faculty is bad.
I think that the solution for this problem is buy new computer for the faculty.
Other problem in the faculty is the green areas. In the faculty exis green areas but is not enough for all students, is a simple sulution, creat new green areas.
But the big problem that is the curricular innovation, in my opinion is a big problem for me, in first place for the time.
I think that the solution for this problem, it`s creat a new academic structure, and is necesary that the student take part in the innovation.

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