viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2009

session 11: Challanges in my discipline.

well, today a I want to write about my discipline in the future, because at present it is a very imnportant career at world level.
In first place, I study in the " Universidad de Chile". In the future I will become a Physical therapist. The most inportant career in the health area is medicine, but at present the career of physical therapy has become very important in this area.
The physical therapy is a a discipline very joung, for this exist a lot of new challanges in this career, and I want to take part in the investigation of this new problems.
The principal reasons of this new questions, It is the little study in the human body.
In the investigation area, is necesary study in the human body, but this is not possible because the estudy with human is not ethical. For example at present, a damage in the cartilage have not reparation. I think that in the future is possible become to repair a damage in the cartilage.
A lot of injures in the human body, for your reparation or rehabilitation, It need very match time. In my opinion is a big problem for the people the time for the rehabilitation, for this in the next years decrease this time is a big challange. Another challange to the physical therapist is educate to other specialist of the health area about the treatments necesaries for the lession, at present the inmovilitation is a principal treatment, but this treatments is not good, because is necesary the moviment and load in the rehabilitation of the muscular injures, articulation injures for example.
In the social matters exist different missions for the physical therapy as for example educate to the people in your physical activities about the warm up for example, because a good warm up decrease the probability of a muscular injure.
In the next years, the mission of the physical therapist will be best. the investigation is very important for superate the new challanges in this discipline, because is necesary the experiment in human for attain exit.
The physical therapy is a new important area an in the future will be very most important to the people and popular in the society.
This discipline is important in the respiratory rehabilitaion, cardiology rehabilitation, neurology rehabilitation, muscular rehabilitaion, articular rehabilitaion for example.

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