viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2009

Last session: My essay.

At present the technology is very important in the world, because is necesary in a lot of ambits, as for example in investigation, the scientifics use the technology every days, in the health area is very inportant the technology, because in different situations the specialist use machines to the rehabilitation for example.
In the university or in the job, the professionals or students use the technology to different aspect. In my case, I study in the university of Chile and is necesary the technology as method of learning. The technology in the life of a student is very important in the search of information in the internet or in the laboratory, or as audiovisual presentaion of the masters.

In this year I am looking the importance of the technology in my life, as method of estudy, as academic support, as method to search new information in my area o as method of comunication with the masters.
In my experience, the technology is very cool. In the subject of the first semester I used important object in my professional area in my "hospital visit" aboject as for example saturometers, extractor of secretions in the airmail, machines for the rehablitations, and instruments to control of vital signals.
For more scientific matters as for example, biology or genetics, we use microscopes.
This technological object, I help us with great way in our learning, because thanks to, we manage to understand the form of bacteria, cellular movements, we manage to do a cuantification of genes, in the matters of genetics and biology. We also use the microscope to observe and to learn the composition in form and structure of the different organs of our body, in addition we manage to identify the different estapas of the embryological development of the human beings and mice.
Another important object for my during this year, It has been the cumputador, because this machine has allowed me to look for a lot of information, and has served me as way of communication to do works and for resivir documentation with regard to the university and my matters.

In my opinion, since I could have verified in this year, the technology is too important for us the students for the big utilities and facilities that present these objects for aur life. But I believe that you scheme these, and the technological objects in general, they us will be useful during all our life, specially in the area professional, since there exist a heap of machines that we as physical therapist, we will use for the diagnosis of patologias or for the rehabilitation of the problems to the human body. For this motive, I think that the technology was, it is and it will be ours great alloyed in the present as students and in our life as professionals.

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