jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

Free post: Basketball.

hello! Today I am going to write about the basketball, It is a very interesting sport and this play is a of my predilect sports.
Basketball is a team sport in which two teams of five players try to score points by throwing or shooting a ball through the top of a basketball hoop while following a set of rules and complications.
Exist a lot of rules to play Basketball as for example "walk with the ball", "hit the oponent" , "time for realizing a attack", "time for pass the middle court", etc.
The play has two type of punctuation: 1) two point, in the case that the shot is inside of the three point line and 2)three point, in the case that the shot is outside of the three point line.
This sport is played in four parts of 12 minutes (NBA), at the final of second part, the teams change of side in the court.
besides exist two type of fouls 1) direct fouls (contact with the oponent) and 2) tecnical fouls (to claim for example).
I think the Basketball is a favulous sport, because the play is fast, is a play of intelligence, is dinamic, and is excellent for realizing excercise and maintain a good physical condition.
I played basketball in my school, and I formed part of the team of the school. My position in the play was of shipowner, but the trainings were very exhausting.
In This time, My team was the best team in the municipality for this We win the championship for three years consecutives.
At the present, I study in the "Universidad de Chile" and I have not free time for practice basketball but I watch in TV all matchs of the NBA.

jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

Final Essay: Chile.

Chile is a very interesting country, and It´s located in South America, in the final of world. Chile has a geography very involved, foe example Chile has mountain, valley, desert, and place with a lot of vegetation.
Chile is of birthday in this year because is the celebration of 200 years as "independent republic", but this topic is very controversial. This years for the Chileans was very dificult and complicated, apart from of the celebrations, this year started with the earthquake and last with the situations of the minings.

The year 2010 for Chile Will be remembered as a year with "mountains and valley" as the geography. This year started with a new president (Sebastián Piñera).
Later, in February 27th happened a historical event, in the Chilean coast happened a earthquake of 8,8 MW, in the locality of Curanipe y Constitución, and later other disaster, a tidal wave that destroyed a lot of contructions in this places. The eyes of the world was in Chile. But the earthquake and tidal wave not should to destroy Chile, The coauntry should to rebuild, in part, the life in this localities.
In August happened other relevant event starring group of 33 minings. They were trapped in a mine in the north of Chile, in the Copiapó city. Again the eyes of all world was in Chile. Later of 70 días in this place, The 33 minings was recovered of the mine.
finally, the celebrations for the 200 years as "independic republic", this topic is very controversial, because the independence was firmed in 1818 year. The real celebrations is the bicentenary of the "First cabinet National meeting".
Now other controversial event, happened in the lection for the new president of the ANFP, because the Football Clubs elect to a persons that isn´t of the preference of the people.

This year Will be remembered by Chileans as a complicated year, but at same time Chileans have demonstrated strength, unit, nobility, generosity and the capacity to overcome different problems as for example the change of govern, the earthquake, the tidal wave. But Chile is a excelent country, very beautiful, in its geography.
I think that the more important in Chile is the people, with your power to overcome the problems, for this I love Chile!.

martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010

The Human Brain.

Hello, today I going to talk about the human brain, Its is the center of the human nervous system and In my opinion the brain is the most important organ in the human body.
In the anatomy, the brain is enclosed in the cranium in the human, and Its is divided in 4 lobe, They are frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal.
The human brain contain aroun of 50–100 billion neurons, and 10 billion are cortical pyramidal cells, and the most importan is that the human brain contain as 1000 trillion synaptic connections.
The brain is very interesting because its is a mistery, But in the last years it has increased the knowledge brings over of this organ. In the past one believed that the functions of the brain were located only in a zone of this organ and that the human being only was using 10 % of the capacity of our brain for these functions. Today We know that the human functions not are fixed in a determinate area, because We use all the cortex to execute functions.
In the last time, the knowledge it has increased thanks to the estudy of some illnes, as for example Parkinson, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease schizophrenia and depression.
Now exist a los of information about the brain, but still We have great for knowing and to discover on some cerebral functions and of other components of the nervous central system.
In my profession is very important know about the brain, becuase the pathology can has relationship with the alteration of some area of the brain.

miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010


Hi, Today I going to talk about stress.
The Stress is simply a factor of nature forces from the outside world affecting the individual.
In general, stress is related to both external and internal factors of the nature.
The external factors are the situations of the person with the people, and the internal factors are the reactions of the body to the first factors.

A best definition to this situation is:
" An experience internal that produces a inbalance in a person and is a result of factors environment internal or factors external " .

Symptoms of this disease: 2 types
- Subjetive: Between others symptoms that you can feel are aggressiveness, depression and anxiety.
- Objective: diseases related to the corporal system.
This disease is present generally in the persons with a pace of life intense and the information get about this disease is very little and the true problem of this situation.

The stress demonstrates generally in 3 stages:
-The first it expresses with muscular tension.
-The second stage is of resistance with the anxiety and fatigue.
And finally, the third stage is the depletion with symptoms that is in all body.

Diferent types of this disease:
- Stress emotional
-Stress of survival : for disease organic.
- Stress for work: diferent situations of the person in the job.
- Stress chemist: for the eat.
- Stress for factors of the environment.
- Stress for the cigar.
- Stress for factors of the hormones ( example: puberty).
- Stress for foreing worry.
-Stress allergic.

Solutions for the Stress:
To face the problem of the best form possible and have some friends to talk of the diferent problems. Also to search activities to relax.

jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

Alien planets: otherwordly joys.

Hello, today I am going to write about a new planet, Its name is "Gliese 581 g" and It is an interesting discovery for the astronomy.
Gliese is a rocky planet, Its locations is the constellation Libra, It is a faraway planet, for example We delay 200.000year to arrive.
Gliese is very interesting, because Its have qualities as the Earth, as for example the size, for this reazon is a beautiful discovery.
Astronomy and the scientific world have always been looking for life in another planet, for this Gliese is very important, beause Its open the opportunity to find Alien life.
The NASA, at the past, sent a lot of expeditios to explorer another planet, as for example the robotical missions to Marte, Júpiter, Saturno. The missions for another planet have the intention to find water, because the water is a elementary substance for the life.
Gliese a faraway planet, for this is necessary a good technology to travel across the space, in this case the speed is very important because Gliese is located to 20 light year of the Earth.
Today, Astronomy have the focus in explorer the atmosphere that contain oxygen and methane and the water.
I Think that is very important in this moment the discovery of Gliese becuase open the imagination to find life in another planet, or in another galaxies.


domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010

Dr. Valenzuela´s class.

Well, this class is based in the paper of name "Postovulatory effects of levonorgestrel in emergency contraception". The main problem that expose this paper is about the topic of "the pill of the day after". Very controversial topic, which treats on if the pill is abortive or it is not. But this depends on the moment in which he is considered to be a human being to the fetus, for some persons he is considered to be a human being from the moment of the implantation, but for others, he can be from the same moment of the conception. For this motive, it does not come near still to the agreement on the abortive potential of the pill of the day later.
In this paper the Dr. Valenzuela exposes the use of levonorgestrel, before the coitus, having effects to level of the ovulation, being a cash as contraceptive method, for this application, the pill has a categorical result 100 % of efficiency as ovulatory efects.
But not only the pill is used as contraceptive method, but it(he,she) is used after the coitus, affecting the movement of the ovocito from the Fallopian tubes up to the uterus where the implantation(introduction) is realized, for this motive exists the discussion on if the pill is abortive or not. The efficiency of the pill to diminishing as it extends the time of consumption after the coitus (0 to 24 h = 56,1 %; 25-48 h = 38.2 %; 1 to 5 days = 22 %)

I Think that is a very interesting topic in the public health, and it is responsability of all society.


sábado, 11 de septiembre de 2010


well, today I am going to speak on a film, his name is SICKO!, this film was created by
Michael Moore and was opened at 2007.
In this documentary Moore exposes the dysfunctional North American health care system oriented to huge profits and not for their mission of saving lives, compared with other health care system ( Canadá, U.K, Francia, Cuba).
In this movie Michael exposes about the evolution of North American health care system, and how It was created. Moore explains the corruption in the North American political system in relation with the aceptation of this health care system.
The North American system is very bad, because is a private system, and the people have to espend a lot of money in health. In the film Moore exposes the situations of patients, one of them, he exposes her case an individual without coverage that had lost a few fingers in accident appears with a medical budget, which gives her the option of 12.000 dollars for reconstruct the ring finger or 60.000 for the index.
Moore visit other countries to know the situations of other Health care system. I saw the Canadian and French system. In this countries the system is fantastic because the health is free and of quality. In my opinion other important aspect is for example that the health is equal for all.

I think that this film is very interesting, because exposes the real situation of the health in the world, and show examples of good health care systems.

Finally, this film exposes the Chilean Situation, with the differences that exist in the health ambit in relation with social class.

Good Movie...

martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

My favourite movie....

well, In my opinion the best film of the history is "American Pie". This movie is a 1999 teen comedy made by Paul and Chris Weitz. The movie is based in the history of four student (Finch, Oz, Jim and Kevin)from "Michigan high school senior", they have as objective lose a virginity before to attend to the university, for that the last opportunity to complete their objective, is the graduation. American Pie is a very funny film, I saw this film with my friends in the school and We laugh enough.
I think that American Pie is a fabulous film, because is very funny; the history is very cool but not only it, but the film makes us think too, about the life of the teenagers and their problems or worries. Another important aspect is that the movie is directed to the young people, being very easy to deal and to interfere inside the plot.
This is only the first movie, exist seven "American Pie", funny and exciting all of them.
I recommend American Pie, you will have a moment of many laugh and entertainment seeing the history of these 4 North American boys.