viernes, 19 de junio de 2009

session 10: MY ideal job.

Well, my ideal job will be the physical therapist, but specially in tthe area of the cardiology, orthopedic sugery or in the area of the neurology.
In first pleace, exist very much qualities that a person he must have for job like a physical therapy. The qualities of a physical therapy are the the knowledge, the intelligence, the managing skill of rehabilitation, the aptitude to solve problems, the patience to wait for results, but the more important is the vocation.
The vocation is very importan because is necesary have a commitment with the patient or with the rehabilitation. Is important the vocation, for example in my case the vocation, it help me for the rehabilitation, because this profession like me.
The job as physical therapist, like me because mi vocation is have the rehabilitation in the persons with problems.

session 8.

Well, today I will talk about Sir Ken Robinson's conference, "Schools Kill Creativity".
In first pleace, I think that the Sir Ken possesses good qualities as speaker, demonstrated whenever he was managing to call the attention of the public with different resources.
The Sir Ken in your conference talk about the tradicional education sistem, and the faults of these sistems with the students that possesses another habilities, as for example the music.
In my opinion the education sistem are very deficient because the people think that the education limits itself to delivering knowledge and a couple of useful information, when really the education is also a guide and formation for those who study, because the students big part of your live asist to the school, college, universities, for example.
I think that the afirmations of the Sir Ken are true, because the leaders limit the knowlegde, and they speculate about the capacities of the estudents. In other ambit, the education sistems do not posses in your structure programs to develop the artistics habilities that some students have.
Is a good conference (Y)!!

viernes, 12 de junio de 2009

Session 9: My favourite subject.

MY favourite subject in my carreer is the anatomy because I think that for a good physical therapy is very inportant to know the human body.
The anatomy is a science that study the human body in your constitution, description, characteristics and functionality for this the anatomy is very relevant in my area of the study.
Leonardo Coscarelli is very inportant in the anatomy area, because He does videos related to this area, this videos help us to study for our test and practical works.
In the university the teacher are very clever and they are very good teacher, your names are: Rodolfo Sanzana, Miguel Soto, Elias Fernandes, Ximena Rojas.
The anatomy is a subject very didactic, I study the anatomy principally of two books Frank Netter and Rouviere, books that describe very well the parts of the body.
In this semester I have learned everything what is the area of the head and neck, in bone and musculature.
I love the anatomy!!!!.

lunes, 8 de junio de 2009

session 7: My Future.

Well, in first please, in my future in 5 years I expect to have finished my career of physical therapy, and to have found a work that allows me to develop my vocation and my profession.
In the ambit of my profession as physical therapist, I want to specialize in the area of the neurology, orthopedic surgery or cardiology, since these areas allow to observe a process of the patients.
In the personal ambit, I want me to be to become free of my parents, to have my own house or department probably.
To continue being the same with all my dear beings, to continue helping to my family in what one could, and not to have changed my friends. In the love I am not thinking about being married even, since sere very young to take it I finish, if I believe that it is important but not for the age that I will have in this at the time one.
Finally I expect to be one of the best professionals in my for area, and to be able to help many people with my knowledge.

viernes, 5 de junio de 2009

session 6: Joaquin Cabezas

Joaquin Cabezas, is a exelent physical therapist because your contribution was fundamental for this discipline in Chile.
This persons was the first physical therapy in Chile. The profession of Joaquin Cabezas it was teacher of physical education.
At to end of the S. XIXth scholarship holder travelled to Europe to learn a new method, in France, the physical therapy. He was also in Stocolmo.He returned to Chile to applying the learned.
In 1906 there was inaugurated the Top Institute of Physical and Manual Education.
The "Kinesiterapia" interfered as a branch of the teachers of physical education.
The fundation of this new carrer is a important contribution for the modern physical therapy.
In my opinion Joaquin Cabezas is the father of the physical therapy in Chile, and is very important the aport for the rehabilitation in this country.
I think that this persons is the more inportant in the physical therapy area, because is the first physical therapist, He created the "Instituto Superior de Educación Física y Manual" and finally this event changed the rehabilitation in Chile.