viernes, 12 de junio de 2009

Session 9: My favourite subject.

MY favourite subject in my carreer is the anatomy because I think that for a good physical therapy is very inportant to know the human body.
The anatomy is a science that study the human body in your constitution, description, characteristics and functionality for this the anatomy is very relevant in my area of the study.
Leonardo Coscarelli is very inportant in the anatomy area, because He does videos related to this area, this videos help us to study for our test and practical works.
In the university the teacher are very clever and they are very good teacher, your names are: Rodolfo Sanzana, Miguel Soto, Elias Fernandes, Ximena Rojas.
The anatomy is a subject very didactic, I study the anatomy principally of two books Frank Netter and Rouviere, books that describe very well the parts of the body.
In this semester I have learned everything what is the area of the head and neck, in bone and musculature.
I love the anatomy!!!!.

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