viernes, 19 de junio de 2009

session 8.

Well, today I will talk about Sir Ken Robinson's conference, "Schools Kill Creativity".
In first pleace, I think that the Sir Ken possesses good qualities as speaker, demonstrated whenever he was managing to call the attention of the public with different resources.
The Sir Ken in your conference talk about the tradicional education sistem, and the faults of these sistems with the students that possesses another habilities, as for example the music.
In my opinion the education sistem are very deficient because the people think that the education limits itself to delivering knowledge and a couple of useful information, when really the education is also a guide and formation for those who study, because the students big part of your live asist to the school, college, universities, for example.
I think that the afirmations of the Sir Ken are true, because the leaders limit the knowlegde, and they speculate about the capacities of the estudents. In other ambit, the education sistems do not posses in your structure programs to develop the artistics habilities that some students have.
Is a good conference (Y)!!

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