viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2009

Last session: My essay.

At present the technology is very important in the world, because is necesary in a lot of ambits, as for example in investigation, the scientifics use the technology every days, in the health area is very inportant the technology, because in different situations the specialist use machines to the rehabilitation for example.
In the university or in the job, the professionals or students use the technology to different aspect. In my case, I study in the university of Chile and is necesary the technology as method of learning. The technology in the life of a student is very important in the search of information in the internet or in the laboratory, or as audiovisual presentaion of the masters.

In this year I am looking the importance of the technology in my life, as method of estudy, as academic support, as method to search new information in my area o as method of comunication with the masters.
In my experience, the technology is very cool. In the subject of the first semester I used important object in my professional area in my "hospital visit" aboject as for example saturometers, extractor of secretions in the airmail, machines for the rehablitations, and instruments to control of vital signals.
For more scientific matters as for example, biology or genetics, we use microscopes.
This technological object, I help us with great way in our learning, because thanks to, we manage to understand the form of bacteria, cellular movements, we manage to do a cuantification of genes, in the matters of genetics and biology. We also use the microscope to observe and to learn the composition in form and structure of the different organs of our body, in addition we manage to identify the different estapas of the embryological development of the human beings and mice.
Another important object for my during this year, It has been the cumputador, because this machine has allowed me to look for a lot of information, and has served me as way of communication to do works and for resivir documentation with regard to the university and my matters.

In my opinion, since I could have verified in this year, the technology is too important for us the students for the big utilities and facilities that present these objects for aur life. But I believe that you scheme these, and the technological objects in general, they us will be useful during all our life, specially in the area professional, since there exist a heap of machines that we as physical therapist, we will use for the diagnosis of patologias or for the rehabilitation of the problems to the human body. For this motive, I think that the technology was, it is and it will be ours great alloyed in the present as students and in our life as professionals.

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2009

session 11: Challanges in my discipline.

well, today a I want to write about my discipline in the future, because at present it is a very imnportant career at world level.
In first place, I study in the " Universidad de Chile". In the future I will become a Physical therapist. The most inportant career in the health area is medicine, but at present the career of physical therapy has become very important in this area.
The physical therapy is a a discipline very joung, for this exist a lot of new challanges in this career, and I want to take part in the investigation of this new problems.
The principal reasons of this new questions, It is the little study in the human body.
In the investigation area, is necesary study in the human body, but this is not possible because the estudy with human is not ethical. For example at present, a damage in the cartilage have not reparation. I think that in the future is possible become to repair a damage in the cartilage.
A lot of injures in the human body, for your reparation or rehabilitation, It need very match time. In my opinion is a big problem for the people the time for the rehabilitation, for this in the next years decrease this time is a big challange. Another challange to the physical therapist is educate to other specialist of the health area about the treatments necesaries for the lession, at present the inmovilitation is a principal treatment, but this treatments is not good, because is necesary the moviment and load in the rehabilitation of the muscular injures, articulation injures for example.
In the social matters exist different missions for the physical therapy as for example educate to the people in your physical activities about the warm up for example, because a good warm up decrease the probability of a muscular injure.
In the next years, the mission of the physical therapist will be best. the investigation is very important for superate the new challanges in this discipline, because is necesary the experiment in human for attain exit.
The physical therapy is a new important area an in the future will be very most important to the people and popular in the society.
This discipline is important in the respiratory rehabilitaion, cardiology rehabilitation, neurology rehabilitation, muscular rehabilitaion, articular rehabilitaion for example.

viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009

session 10: Improving your faculty.

Today I`ll write about the present situation of the Medicine Faculty.
Well, the medicine Faculty of the "Universidad de Chile" it`s located in
Av. Independencia, and is a prestigious faculty. This faculty was founded in the year 1833. Today in the Medicine faculty exist a lot of career: Medicine, physical therapy, obstetrics, nutrition and dietetics, for example.
I study Physical therapy in this faculty, and in my opinion is a great faculty, for a lot of reasons.
The academics that exist in the medicine faculty have a high inetelectual level, and in the investigation area this faculty is of first level in the country. In short, in the academic area, the medicine faculty is the first in Chile.
In the valious area, the medicine faculty in great too, because the faculty in the different career, It teach about important valious, as for example the responsability, the comradeship, and the respect with the patient.
But in the medicine faculty exist problem and too, as for example the computer in the faculty , it is very slowly.In my opinion the tecnology in the faculty is bad.
I think that the solution for this problem is buy new computer for the faculty.
Other problem in the faculty is the green areas. In the faculty exis green areas but is not enough for all students, is a simple sulution, creat new green areas.
But the big problem that is the curricular innovation, in my opinion is a big problem for me, in first place for the time.
I think that the solution for this problem, it`s creat a new academic structure, and is necesary that the student take part in the innovation.

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009

session 9: Hobbies.

Hi!, well today I will talk about my hobbies.
In my free times I practise different hobbies, as for example: sports, watch films, play video games, talk with friends or family, and visit my friends.
In my opinion in the free times is very important practise hobbies, because I think that is necessary develop other ambits, for example the personal areal, to increase the knowledge. Other reason for practise the hobbies, is that the hobbies that the people practise are of your pleasure, for this reason the people enjoy develop the hobbies.
In my case, in my free time I like practise different sport, as for example the football soccer, basketball, bycicling, run in the street, table - tennis, tennis.
I love the sport, but the best sports, in my opinion, are the football and the basketball. I practise football the fridays, and I play this sport with my friends, for this is very cool play with my team.
The basketball is very cool, is very fun and is very interesting because is a very hard play basktball, because is necesary the talent, a good physique condition, and is necesary the inteligence for play this sport.
I played basketball in my schol, and this sport help me with my studies, because is a good option to increase the mental speed. In another aspect the basketball help to forget the problems for example, because is necesary a full concentration in the game.
To leave with my friends ( man and woman) is a cool hobbie for my, because my friends are a good persons, and they have similar ideas that me for example, for this reason is very funny to leave with my friends. Other important reason is talk with my friends because we talik about problems and actual topic, as for example about the religion, the culture, the sport , politic.
For finish in my opinion the hobbies are very important, because is necesary in the free time, have a good time!

viernes, 23 de octubre de 2009

Session 8: Holiday destinations.

In the summer before, I traveled to the Quisco`s beach, this is an excellent plase, for the people, for the landscape, for the homes, for the excellent beaches.
I traveled to the Quisco in the familiar car, and the travel was in february. I visited the Quisco with my family, and with my friends.
I lived incredible moments with my friends, for example the days when we run in the morning, or the party moments. In general the summer before was a good travel and I enjoyed excellent moments in this beach.
In the present summer, I wold travel to beach in he south, as for example Curanipe.
I think in this excellent place, I visited Curanipe two years before, is a beautiful place, is incredible option for travel with my family or with my friends.
Curanipe is a small village, with interesting people and very nice. In Curanipe exist a wood, this wood is a excellent place to camp, because is a peaciful place, and have bathroom and is very safe.
To this beach, in the summer arrived a lot of sports by practise snowboard, and arrived a lot of people, for this Curanipe is a excellent place to know new friends or the love.
In the future, I wold visit a lot of countries, in the other continent, as for example visit Egypt, Israel, Japan, China, France, Australia betwen another.
IN Egypt, I wold visit and know the pyramids, and know about the culture and about the history of this monuments, but the country more interestig is Israel.
Israel is a excellent country, for your history, and religion. In this country I Wold visit the Temple of Jerusalem, know about the contruction, abut the history of this Temple. I wold visit Israel, for the religion, because this religion is very interesting, for the devotion, for the people, culture, for the "God" of the jewish, your name is YHWH. The jewish religion is fantastic, the Knowledge of the Bible is interestig, and the devotions for YHWH is excellent.
In the future I wold visit Israel, I think that is a incredible country for the people, the history, the culture and the more intersting the religion. ;D

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009

session 7:summary of a career-related article from The Guardian
Well, the main idea is the treatment for the shoulder pain, is important the cause of this pain, for to put in practise the best treatment for the rehabilitation.
In general the shoulder pain, is present a six week, but is advisable, visit to the doctor.
In accident cases, is advisable visit to the doctor in a short time, for determinate de lession.
In the home, the persons can use the medicament as the paracetamol or ibuprofen, this medicament, to act as anti-inflammatory, and the medicament to reduce the pain.
Another form for reduce the pain, is apply ice.

The most important in the rehabilitation, are the execises, because for this exercises, the person can recover the moviment in this articulation.
The medicamen is not very effective for the rehabilitation, for this reason is necessary apply the axercises of the physical therapies.
The exercises are muscular moviment, passive moviment and apply masagges for the recovery the normal moviment.
Exist a new machines and treatment necessaries for the rehablitation in this articulation, and in another articualtions. This treatmen are for example of the electrical transmission (TENS), that make a elctrical estimulation, and the other is the lasser therapy.

The Physical Therapist have as mission the rehabilitation of the lessions in the articulation with the exercises with muscular action, or passive exercises.

viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2009

session 5: where to go in Santiago.

well, in first place Santiago is a City with a lot of places to visit. Santiago is the capital of Chile and is the economic center in this country.
In Santiago exist a lot of places to visit, in this places you can make a lot of entertaining activities to childrens, joungs and adults.

- The Moneda`s Palace: Is a great place to visit, for your history and for your beauty. This place is the gobernment`s palace and exist a museum too in this place.
In the Moneda`s palace, you can know about the history of Chile. Besides, you can visit this place with all your family, is a good place. RECOMMENDED!

- The O´Higgins Park: Is another beautiful place, in this park exist a lot of green areas and is recommended for a especial moment, or to rest. The O´Higgins park is the place were it execute all the years the famous "Parada Militar" this act is fulfilled in honor to the Militar glories.
Besides, in this places exist "fantasilandia", in this park exist a lot of mechanical plays, to fun. You can visit this place with your family and especially with Childrens. RECOMMENDED!

- The Park of the Quintanormal: Is a good place, exist green areas, but the more important is thah in this place exist museums, as for example: The musem of Natural History, The Train´s museum, The Cience and technology´s museum. This are a good musem. RECOMMENDED!

- The MIM museum: This museum is very good fun, because this museum consists of scientific experiences. In this musem you can check this experiment.
Is especially to childrens but you can visit this place with your family.

- The Mapocho Station: In this place exist a lot of activities and expotitions that you can visit. Besides exist place to eat. This places to eat sell tipical Chilean food, and is a place with much tradition. RECOMMENDED!


viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2009

session 3: My opinion about the transantiago.

Well, in first place, I think that the new transport system, is complicated. The old system is not a very good transport, but the persons in the santiago city, were customary to take the buses of the this system, called " micros amarillas". The attention of the drivers of this buses was very bad, and with more reason to the students. In this days the attention is good, but the time in the travles is very mutch in comparation with the old system. The new buses have seat for handicapped people and the capacity for the number of person on board to increase too.
In another ambit, as the security in the " micros amarillas" was very frecuently the rob, for example to the students, in the transantiago system, the drivers of this buses not have money, for this reason the rob to this drivers to reduce.
But in my opinion the problem more important in the transantiago, is the time of wait for take a bus, in this ambit the transantiago is a very bad system of transport because the time in one travel to increase, in my case to increase in thirty minuts.
I think that the change most important is the frecuency in the buses, adding a lot of new buses for increase the frecuency.

viernes, 28 de agosto de 2009

session 2: A country I would like to visit.

Well, a country I would like to visit is for example Israel. I would visit Israel because I think that is a very good country, anyway Israel is a country with a lot of history in the spiritual area and in the military ambit.
I know that the religion in Israel is the judaism, they believe in YHWH this is the name of your God. The principal book is the Bible, in her is the commandment is that their believe.
In the political ambit is complicated because Israel acording with the Bible They have a territory, but in the international ambit they not have a this territory, and for this reason the wars in your territories.
In my opinion would like me visit Israel for a religion reason, I wold like know about the religion thems, as for example the habits, your lives, the route of jesus in the moments of your death, and know mor about your culture.
I think that Israel is a country very interesting for your culture, for your people, religion and your history.
I wait visit in a near time this country, I believe that is a good option visit Israel because, I know more about my beauty religion.

viernes, 14 de agosto de 2009

Session 1: summary of previous experience.

Well, in the last term I lived goods experiences, this experiences help me for my personal development.
In first pleace, the career is very important, because in the last semester I learn a lot of new maters as for example: in the biology area I learn about the mechanism involved in the human reproduction. In anatomy, I understand the composition of the human body, as for example the composition of the head, and the upper member.
Other important exepriences that I lived in the first semester was the moments with persons that knew in the university. This persons are a good friends and a good persons.
The sport is a area that like me, in the last term I played table-tennis in the timetables, but this moments was very enjoyable for my, anyway I played with people of other careers, for this was more interesting. Other sport that I played in the first semester was the football, is a very nice sport, I played also the saturdays and for this pay me.
With my family also lived important moments, in the who we talked about relevants tem as for example, economy, the job, the love, and about the society of the this day.
I think that the last semester was a exelent estarted in the university and in the other areas.

viernes, 19 de junio de 2009

session 10: MY ideal job.

Well, my ideal job will be the physical therapist, but specially in tthe area of the cardiology, orthopedic sugery or in the area of the neurology.
In first pleace, exist very much qualities that a person he must have for job like a physical therapy. The qualities of a physical therapy are the the knowledge, the intelligence, the managing skill of rehabilitation, the aptitude to solve problems, the patience to wait for results, but the more important is the vocation.
The vocation is very importan because is necesary have a commitment with the patient or with the rehabilitation. Is important the vocation, for example in my case the vocation, it help me for the rehabilitation, because this profession like me.
The job as physical therapist, like me because mi vocation is have the rehabilitation in the persons with problems.

session 8.

Well, today I will talk about Sir Ken Robinson's conference, "Schools Kill Creativity".
In first pleace, I think that the Sir Ken possesses good qualities as speaker, demonstrated whenever he was managing to call the attention of the public with different resources.
The Sir Ken in your conference talk about the tradicional education sistem, and the faults of these sistems with the students that possesses another habilities, as for example the music.
In my opinion the education sistem are very deficient because the people think that the education limits itself to delivering knowledge and a couple of useful information, when really the education is also a guide and formation for those who study, because the students big part of your live asist to the school, college, universities, for example.
I think that the afirmations of the Sir Ken are true, because the leaders limit the knowlegde, and they speculate about the capacities of the estudents. In other ambit, the education sistems do not posses in your structure programs to develop the artistics habilities that some students have.
Is a good conference (Y)!!

viernes, 12 de junio de 2009

Session 9: My favourite subject.

MY favourite subject in my carreer is the anatomy because I think that for a good physical therapy is very inportant to know the human body.
The anatomy is a science that study the human body in your constitution, description, characteristics and functionality for this the anatomy is very relevant in my area of the study.
Leonardo Coscarelli is very inportant in the anatomy area, because He does videos related to this area, this videos help us to study for our test and practical works.
In the university the teacher are very clever and they are very good teacher, your names are: Rodolfo Sanzana, Miguel Soto, Elias Fernandes, Ximena Rojas.
The anatomy is a subject very didactic, I study the anatomy principally of two books Frank Netter and Rouviere, books that describe very well the parts of the body.
In this semester I have learned everything what is the area of the head and neck, in bone and musculature.
I love the anatomy!!!!.

lunes, 8 de junio de 2009

session 7: My Future.

Well, in first please, in my future in 5 years I expect to have finished my career of physical therapy, and to have found a work that allows me to develop my vocation and my profession.
In the ambit of my profession as physical therapist, I want to specialize in the area of the neurology, orthopedic surgery or cardiology, since these areas allow to observe a process of the patients.
In the personal ambit, I want me to be to become free of my parents, to have my own house or department probably.
To continue being the same with all my dear beings, to continue helping to my family in what one could, and not to have changed my friends. In the love I am not thinking about being married even, since sere very young to take it I finish, if I believe that it is important but not for the age that I will have in this at the time one.
Finally I expect to be one of the best professionals in my for area, and to be able to help many people with my knowledge.

viernes, 5 de junio de 2009

session 6: Joaquin Cabezas

Joaquin Cabezas, is a exelent physical therapist because your contribution was fundamental for this discipline in Chile.
This persons was the first physical therapy in Chile. The profession of Joaquin Cabezas it was teacher of physical education.
At to end of the S. XIXth scholarship holder travelled to Europe to learn a new method, in France, the physical therapy. He was also in Stocolmo.He returned to Chile to applying the learned.
In 1906 there was inaugurated the Top Institute of Physical and Manual Education.
The "Kinesiterapia" interfered as a branch of the teachers of physical education.
The fundation of this new carrer is a important contribution for the modern physical therapy.
In my opinion Joaquin Cabezas is the father of the physical therapy in Chile, and is very important the aport for the rehabilitation in this country.
I think that this persons is the more inportant in the physical therapy area, because is the first physical therapist, He created the "Instituto Superior de Educación Física y Manual" and finally this event changed the rehabilitation in Chile.

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2009

session 5: My Career.

My career is physical therapy.
I study Physical therapy because is a very good profession, where I can develop my vocation in contact with the people.
I study this career because I think that the rehabilitation it is a process many complete because I can is in contact with people, help to the children for overcome the pathologies. In addition the physical therapist to we can see the problem and make diagnostic and later the rehabilitation.
The physical therapist of the "Universidad de Chile" are professionals with a basis in the investigation ambit, in this country the physical therapist we can take part in the education of news professionals or in the teaching of prevention machanisms.
Other mission of a physical therapist is the health in hospital or in all place.
Physical therapist use diferent element for a best health, for example, stethoscope, termometer, and machins for exercices.
My favourite subject in the career is anatomy, is a very difficult subject but is enjoyable study this thems, because is necesary for one physical therapist know about the human body.

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009

Session 4: My photography.

This is a good photograph because it shows me to my in a position of reflection.
I think that the reflection, it is a quality that represents me in all ambit.
The photography was taken last year by my sister in the friend's hause, and my sister token three similar photographies.
This photography it like me because the reflection is a of the activities more important in my live, because with this activities I can find solution to my problems in all aspects.

Another characteristic of the reflection, it is that it helps me realize of the mistakes that I commit, and thanks to this I can correct them and to excel myself as person.
An additional information, it is that to my personally I do not like the photographies that take me, that is to say I do not take photographies regularly, but this photography is perfect because as charm to the beginning, it forms a part of my personality.

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2009

session 3 : My favourite page of physical therapy.

This is my favourite page about physical therapy, and also I visit it frecuently.
In first place the page "ptjournal" is a journal of the American physical therapy association, and is a very good page in the physical therapy, is a complet page, it has relevant information about the thems of my favourite career in the university, and in my opinion is a important page in the ambit of the physical therapist.
The most important is the thems of the patients with their grievous and the solutions for that problems.
I found this page in my investigations of internet. I use this page frecuently because it has a important information for my career and the clinical aplication of the subject of the university, and it help me in this thems.
This page is relevant in my live because is the intrtoduction to the future job and aplication of my vocation.

martes, 28 de abril de 2009

My favorite piece of technology

well my technological favorite piece is the computer, because it helps me to talk with my friends that I do not see them frequently, and helps me for study.
I got my first computer in the year 2000, with fewer capacity that the modern computers, but it was a gift of my father.
I use my computer to study the matters of the university, other utility is for to read new information of biology and I use my computer to chat with my friends.

I use my favorite piece of technology almost every day for the study.
I like my computer because is very fast and it is in my room, and it gives me amusement and information for my studies.
My live without the computer woul be more solitary and I might not read new information of biology nor download music.
In my house I have three computer, the first is of my parents, the second is of my sister, and the other is in my room.

viernes, 24 de abril de 2009

we as students of physical therapy use instruments for the rehabilitation respiratory, physical rehabilitation, cardiopulmonaryc rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation or orthopedic rehabilitation.
The first thing is to do a diagnostic, for this we use diagnostic equipment, diagnostic tools and diagnostic supliess, and after this we use the necesary equipment for the rehabilitation.
the equipment that we use are inversion tables,traction units, ultrasound, exercises machine, braces and supports or machin for respiratory therapy for example.

martes, 31 de marzo de 2009

My personal information.

Hi, my name is Julio and my surname is Muñoz, I live in Santiago of Chile, a beatifull city but this city has a lot of pullution.
I am 18 years old and estudy kinesiology in the "Universidad de Chile'', the best university of this country.
My family is made up by my mather an father, my sister, and my grandfather and grandmather and I am living with their.
In the university the best subject is biology but the subject most bad is anatomy. In my free-times I practise sports. My favourite sport is the bascketball, but I too practise football, tennis, voleyball, bycicling, and table tennis. When I arrived to my home my dogs play with me.
The activity most important and funy is visit to the friends, go to the cinema, go to the mall, and visit to my girlfriend.
But I think that the most important is the live with the familiy, because is there where I get the happiness.
Well, this is my personal information with my priorities in my live .

In the university, study kinesiology. It is a very interesting career, because is necesary heve vocations for help to others. I think that the most important is job with childrens and the people in general.
In this carrer I wait to learn the vocation of helping the persons not only with knowledge but with my attitude.